Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Board 7-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 7-2 - Research Paper Example In order to ensure that the managed care does not conflict with the code of ethics, the health care providers should adopt the systems that encourage the long-standing and effective relationships between the primary care providers and the patients. Quality medical care to the patients should be provided while ethically assuming the population based approach that incorporates the strategies of each individual of medication. In some cases, the counselor may disagree with the managed care on what he or she believes is ethical. One should consult the experts and colleagues outside regarding the issue and ask them to keep the conversation confidential (Theodore & Barbara, 1949). If there is time for consultation, one should send a request to the ACA Ethics Committee for more interpretations of ACA Code of ethics (2005). This is because there is a formal process of sending a request for interpretation and takes a couple of months to get the feedback. It is also ethical to schedule an appointment with the supervisor to discuss any arising unethical issue while working with the managed care. This is where one gets the chance to explain where the code of ethics are violated and ask to be directed to what is considered unethical manner. If the patient feels the operation in the patient would be his or her best interests, and then the health maintenance organization gives their determination that, another form of treatment that is less expensive, I find it ethical to follow the organization’s

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