Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Business and ethics essayEssay Writing Service

Business and ethics essayEssay Writing Service Business and ethics essay Business and ethics essayBusiness and ethics often turn out to be antagonistic concepts. Even though business ethics is one of the milestone concepts of the contemporary business but it is rather the formal, illusionary concept which has little to do with the real world. In this regard, the film Glengarry Glen Ross and the book Good Faith attempt to reveal the true nature of business and business relations to uncover their immoral ground. At the same time, the film and the book show that one of the main problems of the business and contemporary society are immoral agents that drove others to immoral acts and act immorally themselves. In such a way, James Foley, the director of Glengarry Glen Ross, and Jane Smiley, the author of Good Faith, show the destructive impact of egoism as the milestone of one’s personal philosophy on individuals, including not only moral agents driven by egoism but also their social environment because they influence other people and make them egoisti c too. In such a way, both the film and the book warn the audience against the immoral nature of business grounded on norms and principles of egoism, when individuals cares only about their personal well-being and neglect interests and needs of others.Glengarry Glen Ross attempts to justify the immoral in its essence actions of some of the main characters. In this regard, Levene seems to be the most deceitful and immoral person, who always tries to find his way out of any situation even at cost of his partners, colleagues and other persons, whom he is ready to deceive, betray or ruin as long as he knows that he can gain some benefits from it. He is trying to pursue his own benefits in the situation, when his colleagues face the risk of losing their job. In such a situation, the means he chooses to reach his goal, to stay in the company, are disgusting from the moral standpoint since he tries everything from flattery to bribery.On the other hand, the chronically ill daughter is the m ain driver that actually forces him to commit all his immoral acts, starting from his attempt to bribe Blake to make him stay Levene in the company to his decision to break into the office to still the leads. In this regard, the illness of his daughter turns out to be a strong motivator for Levene’s illegal actions. In a way, the illness of his daughter justifies in a way his actions and changes the attitude of the audience to the character.Therefore, Levene turns out to be not absolutely immoral person as it may seem to be. At any rate, he has a strong motive, the urgent need for money to treat his daughter, while others act out of sheer greed and desire of retaining their position in the company. In this regard, Moss is probably the most immoral person, who acts out of sheer egoism, as he plans to steal the leads and at first tries to persuade Aaronow to steal the leads and later involves Levene, who has no choice but to agree upon the crime.In this regard, the behavior of Aaronow is also unethical because he was aware of the plan of Moss but he has never informed neither Blake about the preparing crime nor the police after the crime have been committed. Instead, he preferred just to stay aside of the ‘business’ because he was afraid of being involved somehow in the crime. The indifference is probably even more dangerous than the proactive position that Levene has eventually taken. Aaronow is the person, who knew about the plan elaborated by Moss and he apparently understood, who was behind the crime, as soon as he learned about the crime. However, he has never tried to prevent the crime or help to investigate the crime. Such people are probably the most dangerous and morally degraded since they stay silent and indifferent, when they witness the most terrible crimes occurring right in front of them.Such behavior of Aaronow is another manifestation of egoism as the major ethical framework within the main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross o perate. Just like Ross, who is concerned with his personal interests and position, Aaronow is also concerned with his position in the company and his future. This is why he prefers not to assist the investigation rather than prevent the crime or help to uncover the criminal.In such a situation, Roma seems to be quite different from his subordinates since almost all the time he stays behind the desperate struggle for survival. At any rate, he has never been involved in any crime. However, egoism is also the attribute of Roma just as it is the attribute of Aaronow and Moss. Roma is a pragmatic person and, when he realizes that he has uncertain future in the company, he decides to start up his own business and offers partnership to Levene, being unaware of his crime.However, his offer is not a manifestation of his friendship or desire to help Levene to tackle his problems and earn some money to treat his chronically ill daughter. On the contrary, this act is the act of sheer egoism aga in, like was the case of other characters pursuing their own interests and well-being. Roma is just aware of Levene’s prospects as a good partner, whom he can use effectively in his new business. This is why he makes the offer.In this regard, Levene is probably the only character that is driven not by his egoism or, to put it more precisely, not only by his egoism but also and mainly by his concerns about the health and well-being of his daughter. He is probably a good person, in essence since he never tries to act absolutely immorally and illegally from the start. For instance, at first, he just wants to talk and persuade Blake that he is worth staying in the company but, when it never works, he tries to bribe Blake. When his bribe attempt does not work either, he finally slips to the crime as the only way to gain some benefits from the deal being aware of the high risk of losing his position in the company.At the same time, the characters of the film may be roughly divided into two groups. On the one hand, there are puppeteers, like Moss or Roma, while, on the other hand, there are puppets, like Levene and Aaronow. In this regard, Moss is probably the most immoral character. The milestone of his personal philosophy and ethics is egoism. He is just pursuing wealth and wants to rip off maximum benefits for himself. He schemes the crime, even though he is not in such a desperate position as Levene is and the loss of job is not related to the end of life issues as is the case of Levene. Nevertheless, it is Moss, who inspires the crime and, first, tries to force Aaronow to commit the crime, but, eventually, talks in Levene to become his puppet, who breaks into the office and steals the leads.In this regard, the book Good Faith’s characters are, to a significant extent similar to characters of the film and so are their actions. In this regard, it is possible to distinguish Marcus as the evil genius, who plans and schemes to meet his egoistic goals as is the case of the main characters of the film.Business and ethics   essay part 2

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Public Education System is a Failure

The Public Education System is a Failure A child miseducated is a child lost. - President John F. Kennedy Education policy is one of the few issues vigorously debated at every level of government. Local communities (parents), counties, states, and the federal government struggle for control over control of the education system. Conservatives overwhelmingly support school choice and broad educational opportunity. We believe in a competitive environment that sees private, public, parochial, charter, and alternative schools where parents can choose the best fit for their kids. We also generally believe in voucher programs that would help children in poorer communities have the same opportunities to go to the same schools as their wealthier counterparts, almost always with a lower price-tag than simply sending them to failing public schools. Liberals love, as one might suspect, the big government solution. One central policy fits all. Appeasing the wealthy and voter rich teachers unions is their top priority, though they will always claim its for the children. This is why Democrats always favor protecting government teachers over helping kids - often minorities who need such help the most - escape a bad environment. Stomping out the competition and battling alternative forms of education, such as private schools or homeschooling, is also high on the agenda. Government always knows best, and decades of failure will not change their minds. But how do such opinions toward public education develop? Why is it that conservatives and liberals are so far apart when ensuring a successful educational system is one thing we should all agree on? Often, people take a political position based on the political party they have chosen. My position comes from my own experiences. My Life as a Public Education Student I was lured with an offer: Choose our high school and earn college credits. It was 1995 and I was heading into high school. No-one in my family had ever gone to college, and it was pretty well beaten into me that I would be the first. My family was on the lower-end of the middle class scale and private school was out of the question at this point. Luckily, as most would view it, I was zoned to go to a mostly white and wealthy public high school. But there was an alternative: a separate public high school recently started offering free college credits through a set of different magnet programs. As you might guess, a magnet program is meant to attract students to that school. The magnet school was located in a low-income, high-crime community and many thought I was crazy to voluntarily go there. With roughly 40% of students failing to graduate, the school had the highest dropout rate out of the two dozen district schools. But the option of free college credits that would eliminate over a year of college was too good to pass up for someone in my situation. I actually had a choice, though not as many as I would want my kids to have today. And as I would later realize, the system was not set-up with the students best interests in mind. I realized it was both a scam for me and the community that the school served. Importing Improvements Why was a magnet program established at, of all places, this failing public high school? In retrospect, it seems obvious. News reports at the time hinted the program was put into place for diversity reasons and to integrate the school better (the student body is roughly 5% white). But their was no real integration. The people bussed in from other communities were shoved into honors or Advanced Placement classes with each other and were effectively segregated from the rest of the students anyway. The only diversification that could be seen was in the hallways as we rushed from class to class or in P.E. So, that clearly was no reason to have the magnet program located there if you were seeking to diversify. One critical factor is that the magnet programs have requirements. Above average grades were required both for acceptance and in order to stay in the various magnet programs. The requirements are necessary and logical given that students would be taking college level classes. But it made even more sense as to why the programs were developed in this particular school: to import successful students and help get the school out of the basement. It was a pretty safe bet that the students being brought into these magnet programs, which were located in a school with high drop-out and low college preparedness rates, would both graduate and go to college. The number of magnet schools increased, and so to did the importation of better students. Is it cynical to suggest that these programs were introduced into this school for no other reason than to make the school seem as though it was improving, when they were doing little more than filling seats with kids who were supposed to go to other sch ools? Where the unable to make real change with the students they had so they attempted to stack the deck? Failing the Students who Lived in the Community I dont oppose the idea of having magnet schools. I believe the concept of letting high school students both earn college credits and decide on a career path would work well in a competitive educational system. But the model here was seemingly to make a school appear more successful by bringing in students who were highly likely to succeed, rather than actually fixing the underlying problems with the broken public education system. Nothing changed for those who lived in that community and went to that school. The school system tried to put lipstick on a pig. The magnet school would have logically fit into any other public school besides this one. If anything, it made absolutely no sense to put the school there at all. Yes, some of the kids in the magnet program were from the community, but that was a very small percentage. My classes were filled primarily with those who were brought in from outside of the community, then we were bussed out when the bells rang. The horrible irony is rather than taking good kids with few options out and sending them somewhere to be successful, they were taking good kids who were in a good situation and putting them into a pretty bad environment. This is why I and most conservatives support public choice. Eventually, we have to put the needs of children above the needs of teachers and and the governments dream of complete control over education.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Oswestry Mutual Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Oswestry Mutual Insurance - Essay Example In 1991, the company decision-making process was highly centralized. The growth experienced by OMI in the mid to late 1980's and the need to become more responsive to the dynamics of the industry, top management decided to change the operating structure. In 1991, they reorganized into 6 sectional-regional profit centers. The branch offices remained at 68, each branch office reports to a specific sectional profit centre and sectional office. The sectional office is responsible for approving all policies written and claims filed through both branch offices and the independent agents located in that region. The head office's is suppose to establish overall corporate policy and provide support to 6 sectional offices. The head office in Oswestry and the sectional offices were organized on a functional basis. The functional units in all locations are: Premium Audit, Underwriting, Sales, Claims/Losses, Finance, Human Resources, Loss Monitoring and Support. However, even though the operational structure was decentralized, most of the information services still remain centralized in the head office, which includes related planning, control, budget authority and decision- making stays at the head office. Computers were used, at first, for financial and statistical report production: standard MIS reports included, profit/loss, operations, claim data, loss ratios, and marketing information. In the 1980's, it became painfully obvious to OMI that the companies method of processing policy and claim data needed a major overhaul. John Robson, at the time, director of Information Systems called for a serious review of information service operations. He wanted to know what data was being collected, processed, and how the information was being used by every department and branch office. In 1991, a committee was established. Representatives came from Information Systems, and the major functional area user groups. They studied current information system problems, determined future requirements, and developed specifications for new systems to meet their needs. The project was completed in 1993, implemented was: an automated policy-writing system which would issue policies, cancellations, changes and renewals, marketing and financial reports were regularly prepared, directly from the data already entered into the policy writing and claim system, an automated claim input system which automatically issue claims cheques, online retrieval of policyholder information became possible at all branch offices, online retrieval of claim information became possible at all branch offices Overall Process To Implement Change The new systems were not perfect, but was a great improvement. When a new application for insurance was received by the Underwriting department in a sectional office, relevant data was entered by a sectional office by a PPD clerk over a telephone line link into the company's large IBM 3090 central mainframe located in Oswestry. Data would then be processed in overnight batch mode to produce a policy which could be printed in multiple copies the next day in Oswestry, and on a remote printer in the sectional office. Also, an online policy-holder file would also be available the next day for retrieval on the sectional office terminal which was also connected to the 3090 in Oswestry. Prior to the systems development, work that took place between 1991-1993 and before, the establishment of the sectional offices, handling personal policy information was a semi-automated clerical

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Laws - Essay Example Albeit there was considerable opposition to Miranda warnings for more than fourteen years after the decision, these days, little practical impediment exists in the police ability to procure a confession. In Dickerson v United States, the fact that law enforcement groups did not en masse, file amicus briefs urging the court to overturn Miranda showed how much things have changed since 1968, when law enforcement lobbies prevailed in Congress to enact an unconstitutional statute (18 U.S. Code sec. 3501), which purported to overturn Miranda. As detailed by Sociologist Richard Leo (university of California-Irvine), â€Å"police use a variety of deceptive techniques to extract confessions these days. Because the confessions are not â€Å"coercive† (according to judicial interpretation), the resulting confessions are almost always admitted into evidence†. (Leo) Why do so many people confess? Professor Leo explains the incidence thusly: that suspects are often put into a physic al environment –such as a small isolated room-which is designed to make them talk. After the isolation, the appearance of a police officer may seem like a welcome form of human contact, then the police routinely deliver the Miranda warnings in a perfunctory tone of voice and ritualistic behavioral manner, effectively conveying that these warnings are little more than a beaucratic triviality. (Leo)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Community Service Essay Example for Free

Community Service Essay Before actually partaking in community service, I always thought of it as a means of overworking students for the employers to save money, but after actually getting myself involved in itI realized that doing community service is actually a privilege for us the volunteers. It gives us an opportunity to gain experience, widen our skills and get a better understanding of the hard labour and it is a process that essentially goes into the outcome of a product or service. Community service has literally made me realized how little I contribute to my country, how little I know about my country and has brought to my attention and conscience that I should try my best to assist more—free of wage—in the continuous growth of my economy. Doing my service at St. Rose Nursery, has opened my eyes to the not so easy process of growing flowers, plants and trees; for example how important fertilizers are and what a big difference the right fertilisers make—and also the different types of fertilizers and their functions . Before I never really understood the beauty of them nor did I realize how much work went into nurturing and harvesting them, but now I am more aware and more concerned about the health of trees and how they are treated and even situated in a pot or the ground. On my first day at St. Rose Nursery, I was given a tour of the compound and while getting the tour, I could not help but feel relaxed and free. The ambience of the nursery changed my mood and thought completely; it had me wondering why do we stress out ourselves? Also it made me realize that I should take time to get in touch with nature and myself. After being introduced to the employees, I felt intimidated because I was the only female surrounded by five males so I saw that as a challenge in terms of them underestimating me and my abilities but after talking to them for a little I felt right at home and was able to be myself and even challenge myself by learning to pot plants, fertilize them and water them all in one day. They were all so helpful and very explanatory and took the time to show me exactly what to do before I did it, at the end of the day I excelled and  accomplished far more than they expected; the good energy at the nursery led me to spend longer hours there than I actually expected to spend per day. Throughout my time at St. Rose nursery, I would like to believe that I have brought a youthful and eager emotion to the compound; despite the fact that we worked in separate areas. I believe that I have shown them that a woman can be productive in the nursery field and can also keep up with their speed and even surpass them; I stared of potting only 1 plant per 2 minutes and by the end of the day, I was able to plant 2 plants per minute—it was fun and we turned it into a game—I observed the workers fertilizing the plants and heard the headman tell him that he was applying too much so I made an attempt to fertilize the next batch of plants and was told that I had done a good job! Not too much and not too little; I felt pleased and proud of myself—I had done better than someone who had much more experience in that field than me. It is funny how one can assume that plant nurturing to be a simple and senseless skill, well I learned the hard yet interesting way that it is far from simple and a lot of thought and precision goes into the whole process, from the pot the plant goes into, the climate atmosphere and type of soil that it is planted in. I have learned from this experience that it is possible to push myself a bit further when trying to accomplish a certain task in a given amount of time, I have learned that I am far more patient than I thought and most importantly I have learned that I personally stress myself over minor issues instead of taking time to breathe, relax and find a solution for it; through this I have come to the conclusion that I should find more time to clear my mind and possibly do something that I find interesting, productive and selfless to release my stresses of life. I have learned that even though I am an introvert, working with people is not that bad after all it just takes getti ng used to them and knowing how to work to suit all their different personalities. I also learned that working with other people really helps to get more work done faster. I honestly can say that I enjoyed the interaction with people who were not of my norm; I enjoyed the whole learning about new trees and their fruits,  smells, blooming and reproduction time. I enjoyed planting and reposting plants and most importantly I enjoyed the view of the surroundings. This endeavour was a challenging one in terms of patience and precision but in the end it all paid off, because I was blessed with the opportunity to enhance my gardening skills and was given the opportunity to be social with people who I would normally be afraid to talk to or even be around. Before transposing myself into the real life community service equation, I thought to myself and made an oath to myself that my main aim was to simple complete my thirty hours of community service as fast and as soon as possible, but after starting and observing the nursery, I realized that it would provide me with far more knowledge and far more fun and experience than I expected and I realized that it would be in my best interest to use it to my advantage to gain a greater skill. I believe that service to others is important because it is a good way to give back to the community and also to increase one’s level of experience and variation. I believe in my distant future I would once again volunteer my time to another estate to expand my comprehension and also to help improve my community and help improve myself as a person. The people at the St. Rose Nursery are very hospital and down to earth, to the point where I can honestly say that there is nothing I would change about their mannerism. To potential volunteers, I would like to advice them to go into the experience open minded and willing to learn. I would also suggest that they find something that is within their comfort zone or something at that they at least have a strong interest in learning or have a passion for, simply because if one does something that they do not like or will not like, then they will not enjoy the experience to the fullest and similarly if one does something that seemed interesting to them before they actually partook in it, then they would draw from that experience that it is simply not something they would like to do in the future and would have learned a valuable lesson.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tlo Vs. New Jersey: When Is The Constitution Invalid? :: essays research papers

TLO vs. New Jersey: When Is The Constitution Invalid?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the case of New Jersey vs. TLO, I rule in favor of the petitioner, the state of New Jersey. In this case, I found no reason in the claims made by TLO and her defense. They claimed that the search conducted by school officials was unconstitutional. These officials were searching her purse for cigarettes, which she was caught smoking in the bathroom. During the search for the cigarettes they found the cigarettes, rolling papers used for making joints, a list of names with quantities of money owed to TLO, and finally a bag of marijuana. TLO says that she cannot be tried for any of these offenses, because she was violated of her rights promised in amendment 4, unlawful search and seizure. Yet, the incriminating items were found at the same time as the cigarettes, and given reasonable cause for suspicion, the school does have the legal right to search its students, and finally, the school officials had the right to search her purse because there was a reasonable doubt of her claiming to innocence being true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  TLO's 4th amendment rights were however, in fact not violated due to the reasonable cause and suspicion of her smoking, so the search was truly reasonable. And there is the fact that the teacher caught her smoking. Obviously it is the teacher's responsibility to take the student to the principal for suspension or other means of punishment. When TLO was asked whether or not she had been smoking, she said no.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The school officials then had a reasonable doubt, and they now had by all legal means the right to search TLO for evidence that she had been smoking. The search of her purse, if she had been innocent, would have proved her innocent, or guilty if she actually was guilty. The search was conducted privately, and was by no means humiliating to TLO.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally the officials did search TLO's purse for any kind of evidence, to prove her innocent, or guilty. They, in the process of the search, found all the following incriminating items: the cigarettes, rolling papers used for making joints, a list of names with quantities of money owed to TLO, and a bag of marijuana. The order in which they were found is still unclear. None the less all these items were found during the search which was justified by the suspicion of her smoking.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing Management UBER Analysis Essay

1. Introduction Application software has been very popular as distribution platforms since 2008 due to rapid spread of smartphones all around the worldwide. According to a marketing research done by Gartner (2013), there is an increasing trend in mobile apps usage worldwide, He indicates that 21.58 billion dollars of  revenue has been made by mobile apps in 2013. Uber was established in 2009 as a digital platform that connects cab drivers and customer, by downloading the online application. Uber determines the location of customers and shows the location of the cabs nearby. Once the customer accepts to get a ride with push of a botton, the application is then authorized to take the payment based on the credit card information that has been registered under the customer’s name, without any further exchanges. Uber was established in San Francisco and has become the world’s most valuable startup in the past five years. Uber’s latest market value has been determined as 18.2 billon dollars in June 2014. However, as a disadvantage of developing markets, the entrance of Gett and Hailo in the UK market, decreased Uber’s market value. The major advantage of Gett in this compà ©titive market against Uber is charging flat fees unlike Uber. Uber has a surge pricing strategy depending on the demand, weather and distance, which is not a cost efficient way for customer. Therefore Uber it is not the cost leader in the UK e-hail market. On the other hand surge pricing has persuaded more driver to work for Uber, as it is more in their favor so that, they will not have to go through bad weather conditions or give rides in the rush hour with the usual flat fares. 2. Audit 2.a Organizational environment The increasing trend of smartphone usage especially in younger generation, technological improvements and increasing value for time perception established Uber’s increasing value. 2.b Uber’s business model Uber employs driver after they and their cars have been screened by Uber to  ensure comfort and safety of customers, Drivers are also given an iPhone once they have become a member of Uber. Uber drivers have higher income compared to traditional taxi drivers also they do not have to pay for the taxi license and the taxes that black cab driver are obligated to pay. On the consumer side, after downloading Uber, they can track the car as it approaches them on their as well as having some information about their driver before arrival such as previous reviews and ratings and their photo. Uber ‘s pricing strategy is based on the demand, distance and the car type, incase of high demands or bad weather conditions customers may have to pay a higher fee for their journey or depending and the type of car they request prices are different. Payment is done by the credit card information that the customer is registered the app with. Transactions are totally safe and secure. Uber splits the ride receipts with the driver. Uber originally used to take 20% margin of the transaction between the customer and the driver, which is now reduced to 15% due to high compà ©titions with Gett and Hailo. Uber covers its Research and technology developments, marketing and employees expenses by the percentage they take on each transaction. Another advantage is that Uber does not own a fleet of cars so they are much less costly than their competitors, This low cost business model enables Uber to keep the large percentage of it’s revenue as profits. Uber grows by reinvesting in R&D and acquisitions rather than investing in cars or expensive infrastructures. In the spotlight of this information, it is possible to say that Uber’s business model is low inventory, high transaction and high margin. Moreover, its business model is receiving the majority of funding from Google Venture. 2.c External and internal analysis of Uber Analyzing Uber from the resource-based view is crucial to understand competitive advantages of it in London taxi hailing app market. Constraints imposed by environment can have a big impact on Uber’s strategic planning and marketing. Therefore, six external conditions (Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economical and Legal) will be examined in relation to Uber’s business situation by using PESTEL analysis. Political factors effects transport services external environment in terms of CO2 emissions and climate change. Even though Political factors are more in favor of public transport in order to decrease CO2 emissions and help with the climate. Uber however is providing a superior service comparing to their competitors for instance Uber is offers hybrid cars, which is low in emissions and makes it easier for Uber to have some advantage when it comes to the political factors. Environmental factors such as weather conditions can affect Uber for instance higher demand due to bad weather conditions is evident. The price of the  journeys also increases when the demand is higher. Social factors including the change in lifestyle and high percentage of younger population using smartphones, indicates the customer needs, which brings them to the market. Technology developments have a major impact on Uber’s business. Increasing role of Internet in people’s life is also crucial for Uber to make innovations. Economical factors such as recessions influence directly the customer’s budget, therefore their buying power. On the other hand volatile fuel prices can have a huge impact on pricing and they are also quite unpredictable. Legal constraints also have a direct impact on Uber. Governments have the possibility to ban Uber, which is already the case in Germany, or even set new regulations for Taxi hailing apps such as Uber which can affect their performance in the market. In the next section we under take a SWOT analysis in order to analyze Uber’s Capabilities, which enables us to determine the company’s Strengths and Weaknesses as well as pointing out Threats and Opportunities. It is essential in a competitive market to be aware of the weaknesses and threats in order to be able to find solutions for them and also use the opportunities to gain more of them market share and hence increase the revenues. Figure 2: Presents SWOT analysis Strengths; which consist of internal capabilities, Uber was first in the market which creates a competitive advantage by high consumer awareness. One of the strengths of Uber is that, it has different alternatives for different customers. For example, Uber POP and UberX car alternatives are available for a cheap and fast drive, whereas if the customer is searching for quality it offers them the Uber Black Car and Uber SUV. Another strength  of Uber is that it has spread worldwide starting from USA. It has expanded through 200 cities worldwide. Moreover, the transactions are easy, safe and trustworthy. It offers a convenient way of travelling for costumers. Weaknesses indicate the areas that could be improved internally. The major point that is considered as a weakness for Uber is that they do not charge flat fees whereas Gett, which is their main competitor, offers flat and predictable prices. Moreover, Uber drivers do not have a taxi license, which can cause legal problems by time. However it operates in many cities, Uber does not operate in rural areas, which can be considered as a weakness. One of the complaints that Uber is facing is the poor consumer service. Uber offers a surge pricing for its drivers and do not hire them, but find them through agents. Analyzing the opportunities in depth we can determine that the most influential aspect in Uber’s business model is the fact that it’s a service rather than a product hence they do not have the high sunk costs that their competitors have to deal with. Moreover, being a mobile platform and not having a fleet of taxis, which is highly costly, has enabled the firm to turn most of its revenues into profits. These revenues are made from transaction costs rather than production cost. Uber does not employ drivers, which in this case allows the drivers flexibility also permit Uber to employ more drivers. The most important external threat for Uber in UK e-hail app market is the decreasing market share due to competitors such as Gett. The flat prices of Gett and some other competitors are creating a disadvantage for Uber. Not having the proper taxi license is another disadvantage for Uber. aside from that, there have been many protests by taxi companies in Germany, France, England and other nations accusing Uber to be illegal due to the fact that their driver are not paying the same tax rates as other taxi drivers, and other taxi companies accuse Uber of compromising passenger safety, and undermining legislations which exists for them. Competitors: According to the statistics of market shares of taxi hailing apps in London, Gett with 20-30% of market share is the market leader, Uber with 20% shares is the market challenger and Hailo with 10% is the follower in the market. Uber as the challenger is in a position where they can undertake some of the facilities and services that Gett is already providing for their customers in order to be able to improve their service, gain more customer and consequently gain more market share over time. Outlining the competitive landscape is important to appraise competition and indicating the strengths of the competitors can give the company objectives on what can be improved and examine weather they can be implemented by Uber. According to national statistics from department for transport, it is estimated that there are 78 thousand taxis and 153 thousand licensed private hire vehicles in England. The fÄ ±gures present that the number of PHV are twice the number of taxÄ ±s operatÄ ±ng in England. 31% of total licensed taxis and private hire vehicles in England are in London from which we can assume that private hirÄ ±ng is a popular choice for Londoners. Analyzing Gett-Taxi as the market leader we can imply that some of their most influential advantages are: Competing with flat and predictable prices: People who take taxis are not usually loyal to a specific brand and most people would choose the cheaper option and Gett has the advantage by having predictable prices without surge pricing. Enables Advance booking: Unlike Uber, Gett offers advance booking 2 weeks prior to journey whereas Uber has failed to implement this feature in their app. Offers 24 hours customer service for driver and customers: Uber has proven to be quite poor at following through with customer enquiries. On the other hand the only major advantage of Hailo that we came across is the fact that they are the only company, which has a real taxi license for all their cars. 3. Strategic Options: According to Porter, competitive advantage is derived from the value a firm  is able to create for its buyers that exceeds the firm’s cost of creating it. Utility of Uber can be increased by the following three categories: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Service: Reducing the time to reach customers when they need the service can enhance Uber’s service. The cab and the driver have to be reliable and can provide modern and comfortable cabs for service. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Personnel: service can be provided with professional drivers, drivers must be trained to provide personalised customer service. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Image: Advertising, promotions on special days and to first users. Porter’s Generic Strategies: Porter called the generic strategies has three direction where the market can be segment or focused on particular path. They are 1. Cost Leadership, 2. Differentiation 3. Focus The Focus strategy has been subdivided into two parts: â€Å"Cost Focus† and â€Å"Differentiation Focus†. (Refer below figure) The Cost Leadership Strategy This strategy will help to gain competitive advantage through two main methods such as maximising profits by declining costs while selling for average price in the particular industry or growing market share through selling for lower prices, although still producing a even-handed profit on each sale as you’ve focused on lowering the cost. The Differentiation Strategy This strategy involves in creating your goods or services different from others and more eye-catching for your customers as well as to your competitors. Differentiation strategy can be achieved in a success way through good exploration about the goods or services, expansion and innovation of the goods or services, and the ability to provide superior quality products or services. This will create an inimitable image in the particular industry and alongside some scopes will lead to be valued by consumers. The Focus Strategy The Focus strategy is concentrating on specific niche markets through considerate the associations of that specific niche market and the  exceptional needs of consumers in it. This can be exclusively low-cost or well-specified goods or services on that particular industry. This will construct strong brand loyalty among consumers. This will lead the market segment to be less attractive to the competitors. Uber’s marketing strategy is to provide a premium service at premium price and have loyal customers. It aims at hip, tech-savvy customers whose time is valuable and who are willing to spend money for convenience. The campaign of Uber focuses on the service. The ice cream campaign in NYC is an example of the difference in convenience and experience. Where else could you have an on demand ice cream truck pull up in front of your house delivering ice cream for few people? The focus is on providing an extraordinary experience for the customer and let them do the talking about the brand and the unique service. Uber is having partnerships with Virgin America, which offers Uber’s points to its flyer members which increases awareness and credibility to their service. And Trulia is a real-estate company provide prospective renters a discount for up to three apartment visits as long as they registered for this promotion. Potter’s Five Forces Analysis states that business can be affected by some facts which are determine the competitive power of the business to drive in reality. The fact can be classified into five important forces. They are Supplier power, Buyer power, Threat of substitute, Threat of New Entry and Competitive Rivalry. 1. Supplier Power: the number of suppliers involved determines the supplier power in the particular business and the exclusivity of their goods or service, their business strength and power over your business, and the cost of swapping from one supplier to another. UBER’s suppliers power is high because UBER don’t employ drivers, free-lanced drivers get register with UBER and get the training and the guidelines before start their self-employment. 2. Buyer Power: the number of buyers involved determines the buyer’s power in the particular business, the cost to the buyer to swapping from your goods and services to someone else. UBER’s buyer power is high because it’s a  mobile platform and customers have different alternative services like Gett and Hailo. 3. Competitive Rivalry: the number of capability of your competitors determines the competitive rivalry. When the business has more competitors, and if the competitor can offer equally attractive products and services, then the competitive rivalry is high. UBER’s competitors are Gett and Hailo, they provide service in lower cost and they have their own drivers. 4. Threat of Substitution: the number of alternative options of your customers determines the threat of substitute. When the service or the goods has more substitute, then the threat of substitute is high. UBER’s threat of substitute is high because in London there is many substitute such as tubes, trains, buses, and black cabs. 5. Threat of New Entry: the capability of other business can enter into your market space by starting up a similar business like you is the threat of new entry. If the startup cost is low in terms of capital, time, and technology the new competitor can enter in to your market easily. Uber’s threat of new entry is very high because entering to taxi service business is very easy because the new business needs a simple mobile application and some free-lanced drivers. Alternative Market Directions for Uber Diversification strategies/path: Uber can focus on Event specific marketing like special events such as Valentine’s Day, Harvesting day, Children’s Day, Christmas and New Year days. Uber can provide special offers or promotions for its loyal customers. Personalised Car/Cab with the special trained driver for business people, celebrities and high-class tourists. Market development Strategies/Path: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Expand the market with average pricing in nearby small cities and rural areas to attract more new customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with local hotel chains and airport local travel unit to provide transport service such as site seeing, and airport pic & drop to  their customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long-term partnership with local schools to proved service for their students. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new business wing/unit for disable people to accommodate their transport need with the special features they need. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with courier service organisations like Royal Mail, DHL, and FedEx to provide their delivery service to their customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with local manufacturing companies to support their logistic service such as transporting to shipping, delivering goods to their customers, and transporting their raw materials for their production. 4. Marketing Strategies Uber focuses on hiring local drivers in each city. They are trying to localize the company in each city in every aspect they see. The effect of that is building a trust between the company, the drivers, and the customers all together. After hiring local drivers, Uber give these drivers trainings and guidelines to teach them the â€Å"Uber Way†. They also provide their employees with a global chat room that they interact in, talk, give ideas and suggestions, and best practices are shared across the company. So by cultivating collaboration and building trust internally and externally, Uber is trying to gain a competitive advantage in order to increase their market share, therefor increasing revenue. Uber likes to surprise and delight their customers. For example they delivered kittens and ice cream in New York. This is on of Uber’s ways to allow customer actions to go viral on social media and offline to try to send their message to new markets in order to gain new opportunities. Uber uses a unique way in serving their customers. They have a special team whose mission is to make sure customers get their taxi when and where they need them in no more than 9 minutes. They created a referral program integrated in the Uber app. It gives customers the ability to share a special code between their friends, and in that way Uber can track how many shares made, which indicates the percentage  of Uber’s customer’s acquisition. Uber’s Marketing Objectives: 1. Offer Better Service. 2. More Reliability. 3. Improve Customer Support. 4. Unique Style. 5. Provide Comfort. 6. Reduce Frustration. 6. Critical Analysis: The SMART analysis indicates that Uber can have many ways to improve every aspect in the company. Their objectives are not time-oriented. On the other had, their objectives are all achievable and relevant to the company’s mission. The analyses also show that most of the strategies and suggestions given are specific, achievable, and relevant. That indicates that Uber has many opportunities that they can benefit from in order to gain more competitive advantage and to operate better in the market. 7. Conclusion: Overall market share of Uber in e-hailing market can be increased by implementing some strategies.The report shows that Uber has many opportunities to increase their market value, market share and gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Looking at the analysis we realise that Uber has a very high potential in achieving their objective about gaining customers and eventually increase their revenue. Along the side of improving some of their services, following some of the strategies mentioned above and solutions suggested by us, proves that Uber has a high potential and can use the first mover advantage. Distribution channel of Uber can be improved by targeting other parallel industries and move customers into greater contribution. Branding image of Uber can increase its value by providing good service and the operating areas can be increased to reach a higher volume of customers. Moreover, the opportunities discovered by using the analysis might be considered as a useful w ay of taking Uber to a higher position in the e-hail market in London. 10. References: Anon, How is Uber different from a standard taxi? Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014a]. Anon, The Business Co-Founder. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014b]. Damodaran, A., 2014. A Disruptive Cab Ride to Riches: The Uber Payoff.Forbes. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Department for Transport (2013) ‘Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics: England and Wales 2013’. Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics: England and Wales 2013. Available at: (Accessed: 20 November 2014). Ferrell, O., Dibb, S. and Simkin, L. (2005) Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. United States: Houghton Mifflin Company. Ferrell, O. and Hartline, M. (2011) Marketing Strategy. United States: South-Western Cengage Learning. Winer, R. and Dhar, R. (2010) Marketing Management – 4th Edition. United States: Prentice Hall. GURLEY, B., Above the Crowd. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Hill, H. (2009) London Chamber. Available at: (Accessed: 20 November 2014). Kell, J., Berlin bans Uber app, citing passenger safety concerns. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. MACMILLAN, D., The Wall Street Journal. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Mathieu, F., Francois Mathieu shared: Taxi War: Uber vs Hailo. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Palmer, S., 2013. GetTaxi – Some Real Competition for Uber in NYC T. H. Post, ed.Huffington Post. Available at:–some-real-compet_b_3743958.html [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Think, B., 2014.How Uber Disrupted an Industry, with Karan Girotra, How Uber Disrupted an Industry, with Karan Girotra. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Uber, 2013.How Uber Moves Your City Forward with Innovation | Uber, How Uber Moves Your City Forward with Innovation | Uber. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. WOHLSEN, M., Uber’s Biggest Danger Is Its Business Model, Not Bad PR. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Porter, Michael E., â€Å"Competitive Advantage†. 1985, Ch. 1, pp 11-15. The Free Press. New York.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Essay

This book was written by Dutton and Donald about domestic violence. It gave us the history about assault on spouses. Dutton and Donald talks of two major social phenomena that emerged in North American and the Western countries in Europe. Rights of women were acknowledged by everyone after long and tedious struggle of women to get recognized. It goes further to state the measures and incidences of violence including theories concerning women assault. The cycle of violence and people who possess abusive personalities are stated even assault on men. This book is very important for it teaches about recognizing one another especially those who possess violent personalities. It is good for the society for it educates one to accept others rights and difference between marriage duties and rights. This book shows us that we ca eliminate all odds in our society and try make each and every person to feel that he or she belongs to it fully without any intimidation and discrimination. Donald and Dutton’s ideas can be used to help those who possess abusive personality by attending psychiatrists and avoiding any abusive behavior. It can be used to educate spouses in marriage so that they will evade future marriage problems. Also, in the current globalized world, the ideas in this book can help us socialize and live together in peace and harmony especially in a domestic set up. This book can help people who are married in other cultures to harmonize or leave those cultures and then live with the acceptance and respect of each other’s rights. Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,  2004. Print. In this book, Surviving Domestic Violence, Elaine Weiss wrote about several stories of women who had been subjected to domestic violence. She got these stories by interviewing and later writing them down. It talks of what they went through and how they later managed to escape it. It gives reasons as to why such incidences were happening. After getting out, the women took a very long time to finally recover the psychological and wounds they got due to this violence but some were yet to fully recover for the ordeal they went through changed their lives negatively. Those who managed to deal with stress after coming out say that they are stronger than ever. The different stories taught in this book are the true causes and effects of domestic related violence. They bring about what one goes through and how one feels while undergoing the violence. Also, it helps to understand what to do when such incidences happen. It also shows its effects and how they change one’s life therefore targeting those who abuse their partners. This book is a very example as it shows us that those who have already freed themselves from the marital abuses can educate others like the youth and couples about domestic violence o that they refrain from them. The stories are very encouraging for they give people motivation to solve their problems and also how one can escape this. They can be used by those specialists in parental guidance and counselling to help them shape their marriage when such incidences are reported to them and even before couples get married. The ideas in this book can enable those undergoing abuses to get out and look for a better marriage partner. One only needs to accept that he or she is undergoing domestic violence and therefore if it cannot be solved, one can boldly walk away and start life afresh. Marriage is not slavery but it’s a path towards achieving your goals in life as one needs a partner who is willing to assist where possible so that they make all their dreams in life to happen. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,  2009. Print. Phillip exposes how men goes through domestic violence silently. He talks of how real it is that men are going through domestic violence without the society suspecting. He brings several stories of men who have been undergoing through such violence from their wives for a long time. Then he goes further to give tips that can help one to find freedom from any form of abuse. The he talks of resistance and acceptance for those who are abusing their spouses and how they come to realize that each and every person deserves to be respected. He also talks of new great approaches that can be used to reduce domestic violence. He then gives survey statistics of domestic violence in Canada. It also talks about how the relationship changes between the offenders to their victims. The story is helpful in realizing what some men go through. It gives statistics of domestic violence that people are not ready to talk about. The society is helped to recognize men who are undergoing domestic abuses from their spouses. It is helpful because statistics help people to know how long they have been living with their friends undergoing abuses without even realizing it. It talks of acceptance which can help those who are yet to accept their spouse the way he or she is. It is helpful for it shows how much men can be subjected to torture with use of dangerous tools such as knives, machetes and any other type of a life-threatening tool or machine so that one can force their partner to follow her commands. Philip’s ideas can be used to know the men who are undergoing abuses experienced from their wives and enable us to help them come out of the problem. Also, it encourages courage especially those who are not courageous enough to come out and tell their ordeal to the society. This book can help men to free themselves away from any form of abuse and intimidation from their partners. This book is very important as it can be used to tell the extent in which men undergo violence in real life situations. Men can also use this book to help them evade any other form of domestic violence against them and therefore reducing the number of men who die as a result of domestic violence. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,  2013. Print. This book has been written collectively by different authors who are specialized in domestic violence ideas. It talks about prevalence and physical health impacts of domestic violence. It talks about types of abuses in marriage such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and coercive control and also it questions them and gives clues on how they are brought about and their solution. It also talks of effects of the person’s psychology which is deeply affected even in the future that may not get them out of his mind. It stresses on survival strategies to evade such abuses and also how one can control his or her mind to avoid damaging his or her psychology. This book also gives the kinds of interventions and responses people can take after or when you suspect any form of violence. Advices from professionals on domestic violence are also written down. This book has directives on what causes mental problems after abuse. It also gives us ways on how to control ourselves and maintain a state of calmness so as not disturb our stressed mind. It educates us on different forms of domestic violence. It has been written by different qualified professionals in each field is represented. It is an important text for it has the advices on domestic violence from professionals. The story in this book can help us to evade mental problems due to domestic abuses and can be used by psychiatrists to know what causes a certain mental disorder and they can use the ideas here to enable their clients who are undergoing this problem to get out of it. It can also be used to educate couples so that when they are not in good terms to try to their best solve the problem before it gets out of hand. The advices written in this book can also be used in the same way to advice people especially those undergoing domestic violence depending on the root cause and the kind of violence. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger This book is directed to those who have been freed from domestic violence and especially women. Due to violent domestic situations, one may develop post-traumatic stress disorders which are not easy to get out of one’s mind and can negatively affect that person. It is aimed at giving programs known as cognitive trauma therapy which one undergoes to help him or her come back to normal. It gives the techniques one can use them to help himself or herself by identifying any form of trauma and distress one has that can enable one to deal with it to help control and change his or her life . This book is targeting those who have been affected by domestic violence so that they come back to normal for those who were traumatized. It is an educational tool for the society to understand the devastating effects of wife battering. Therefore it makes us to even identify those who are going through post-traumatic stress. It contains technics and procedures one can follow so that they make him deal any results brought by domestic violence. It is also helpful as it helps chase out any fears one has due to what they went through during that horrifying period of domestic violence. Psychiatrists can use this book to help traumatized people by helping them to come back to normal. The ideas here can help us to even identify those going through stress in their marriage so that they are helped before it’s too late. This book can be used also by the parents who are not in good terms to read and understand what one may go through if such incidences happen. The techniques in this book about dealing with trauma after violence can be used by psychiatrists to help clients who underwent this so that they identify what they are in trauma of and this can help them to accordingly better their lives. It can also be used individually as one can remember well what went wrong in that marriage and help better their lives. References Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,  2009. Print. Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Vancouver: UBC Press,  2006. Print. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,  2013. Print. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,  2004. Print. Source document

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Impulse

A Life of Self-Deception â€Å"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!† Sir Walter Scott (1771 - 1832), Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17. In the short story, Impulse, Conrad Aiken illustrates the main character, Michael Lowes, as an irresponsible person that lies, steals, and is nothing short of a procrastinator. Aiken uses the other characters of his story to enhance the persona of Michael. And above all, Michael has become infected with self-deception by making himself believe that he is still a â€Å"good man† and â€Å"fate† is against him. Michael Lowes becomes a victim of his own guise when he is suddenly hit by the reality of his actions. The depth of Michael’s character starts with a cocky man engrossed in the mirror, wondering whether or not he should tell his wife, Dora, about staying out all night to play cards with his friends. He knows his wife will be unhappy because he should be home after work to do the paper work and pay the bills like any other responsible family man would. But instead of talking to her about the evening, he decides to slip out the door â€Å"pretending that he thought it was later than it really was† (p2). On his way to work he tells himself, â€Å"Let the bills wait, damn them!† (p2). He reassures himself that any normal man needs a rest from everything and he just couldn’t do everything at once. Michael doesn’t even like his friends, Hurwitz, Bryant, and Smith, calling them â€Å"cheap fellows†(p1) and â€Å"mere acquaintances†(p1). He uses them for the alcohol and says they are â€Å"good enough for a little escape†(p1). Th e reader would think that a man in Michael’s position would do the responsible thing and stay home, take care of the bills and spend time with his children. But instead he decides to take advantage of his friends and ignore the responsibilities of marriage and reality. Aiken has already shown the reader that Michael is nothing but full of ... Free Essays on Impulse Free Essays on Impulse A Life of Self-Deception â€Å"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!† Sir Walter Scott (1771 - 1832), Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17. In the short story, Impulse, Conrad Aiken illustrates the main character, Michael Lowes, as an irresponsible person that lies, steals, and is nothing short of a procrastinator. Aiken uses the other characters of his story to enhance the persona of Michael. And above all, Michael has become infected with self-deception by making himself believe that he is still a â€Å"good man† and â€Å"fate† is against him. Michael Lowes becomes a victim of his own guise when he is suddenly hit by the reality of his actions. The depth of Michael’s character starts with a cocky man engrossed in the mirror, wondering whether or not he should tell his wife, Dora, about staying out all night to play cards with his friends. He knows his wife will be unhappy because he should be home after work to do the paper work and pay the bills like any other responsible family man would. But instead of talking to her about the evening, he decides to slip out the door â€Å"pretending that he thought it was later than it really was† (p2). On his way to work he tells himself, â€Å"Let the bills wait, damn them!† (p2). He reassures himself that any normal man needs a rest from everything and he just couldn’t do everything at once. Michael doesn’t even like his friends, Hurwitz, Bryant, and Smith, calling them â€Å"cheap fellows†(p1) and â€Å"mere acquaintances†(p1). He uses them for the alcohol and says they are â€Å"good enough for a little escape†(p1). Th e reader would think that a man in Michael’s position would do the responsible thing and stay home, take care of the bills and spend time with his children. But instead he decides to take advantage of his friends and ignore the responsibilities of marriage and reality. Aiken has already shown the reader that Michael is nothing but full of ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

EMBA Admissions Consultants

Top 14 Services of Value Offered by MBA/EMBA Admissions Consultants In my previous blog entry, I pointed out several things that MBA Admissions Consulting isnt. Today I will describe what MBA Admissions Consulting does provide. The 14 most important services of value your MBA Admissions Consultant offers: 1. A partner throughout the entire application process. Many applicants need someone who knows MBA Admissions well to guide them through the application process from beginning to end. Having this type of partner greatly reduces the stress of the entire process, and that’s a role Admissions Consultants fill. A good MBA Admissions Consultant will first review your background and reasons for wanting to get an MBA, and comment on any specific items that might need strengthening starting with your logic for wanting an MBA! You will have questions that you want answered throughout the entire process, and your consultant will be a quick and easy source for answers. 2. A source of encouragement MBA applicants are usually very busy with their personal and professional lives and the application process can feel like a drag. However, schools expect all applicants to meet their deadlines and give their applications their all. Therefore, it’s often necessary for an Admissions Consultant to periodically encourage, cajole, and remind applicants of all they need to do to submit a competitive application. 3. School selection help In many cases, applicants’ target schools don’t match their backgrounds, goals, and scores. An Admissions Consultant can suggesting a strategy for selecting schools and research additional schools that might match well with your background and goals. 4. Dealing with problematic GPA and/or GMAT scores If an applicants numbers are not in range for the persons target schools, an Admissions Consultant can suggest several effective strategies to deal with that issue. 5. Resume feedback An Admissions Consultant will assess whether an applicants resume comes across properly or seems more like the resume of a college student or job hunter. In addition to making many specific suggestions, your consultant may refer you to a resume specialist such as one of the Certified Resume Writers on The Essay Experts team. 6. Guidance for choosing/working with recommenders An Admissions Consultant can review an applicant’s choice of recommenders if thats a concern, and provide extensive recommendation dos and don’ts. 7. Research Suggestions An Admissions Consultant will suggest research that applicants must do to truly understand their fit with specific schools, given their career and other goals. 8. Career goals insight Although Admissions Consultants are not Career Counselors, many have significant exposure to a wide range of fields. As a result, they are often quite expert at evaluating applicants’ stated career goals, and can help advise them regarding ways to research the most appropriate and logical career path a key element looked at by business schools. 9. Essay Strategy and Guidance Admissions consultants spend most of their time giving applicants feedback regarding their essays. An ethical consultant will never write the essays, as this practice can lead to an automatic rejection by the admissions committee. One the applicant writes a first draft of a schools essay set, the consultant will review and help the applicant with essay strategies. The applicant and consultant will then work together in an iterative process to make the essay set as effective as possible. The Admissions Consultant reviews each draft, sends it to the client with feedback, and continues this process until both the consultant and the client agree the set is complete and optimized. 10. Answering questions on the actual application form A few applicants have basic questions related to how to answer a question on the actual application form, and ask the Admissions Consultant to do a quick review. 11. Questions about timeline After submitting a group of applications, many applicant are likely to get nervous if the school hasn’t replied within an expected time frame. The consultant can provide reassurance that quite a few applicants are invited to interview right up to the last minute. 12. Interviewing A consultant can answer questions about whether to interview on campus or with an alumnus; provide interview tips to help with interview preparation and the interview itself; share feedback from other applicants who have interviewed at a school; and conduct mock interviews if needed. 13. Strategies for getting accepted from waitlists If you are put on a waitlist by one or more schools, the Admissions Consultant consultant can give your suggestions as to how to encourage the school to move you off the list and into the Accepted column. 14. Customization A good MBA admissions consultant will customize the consulting s/he provides to meet each clients needs. What are yours? Please share your questions/comments below. And stay tuned for my next article on the item of greatest concern to most: Essay Strategy. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at Larry Sochrin Category:MBA Admissions ProcessBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 21, 2011

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Faux Fur for Real Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Faux Fur for Real - Article Example Fashion directors and designers have been increasingly surprised with the ongoing trend of high end sales of faux fur products. Major online sites and retail stores inclusive of the high end designer brands as well as the mass market retailers have been showcasing huge stocks of materials and garments which look like cheetah, beaver or mink. However, the surprising points which the article depicts are that the materials coming from Japan and Europe are extremely high in terms of quality and sustainability. Moreover they offer greater variety in terms of designs and textures and at the same time come at a lower price than real fur. In other words, the article speaks about the emerging trend towards consumption of faux fur over real fur over the years both by the general public as well as the celebrities. Objective of article The objective of the article is to put forth the various attributes of faux fur which has made it immensely popular among consumers. Some of the products which ha ve helped to have an edge over real products are that they allow greater flexibility and resistance towards tough conditions and hazards. Additionally, they are also available at much lower prices in comparison to the products which are made of real fur. ... The target market comprises of both the males and females in society belonging the group mentioned in this context. Globalization has knit the entire world into a single unit which has caused considerable intermingling of the western and the eastern cultures of the world. Thus the influence of the western cultures on the Asian nations has been very prominent and inevitable. With the economic development and improvement of nations, the youth have been increasingly attracted towards stylish products, commodities and accessories. The general consumption of fashionable dresses and products has seen a rise over the years. Thus it is imperative that the use of fur products and accessories would be high in most nations. However, greater demand of the product would be felt from nations having cooler temperatures. Thus the target markets would comprise of the youth belonging to those nations having cold and mild temperatures rather than the tropical countries. Considering both the fashion tre nds as well as the environmental conditions faux fur would be increasingly demanded more in the western countries which demands greater protection on cold temperatures and also showcases the latest fashion trends in the world. Designers and manufacturers must be updated about the latest consumer trends in the sector which the article does successfully. The article provides a very clear depiction about the changing consumption trends of fur products and the emerging changes taking place over the years. The retailers, manufacturers and designers would be benefitted greatly from the trend which the article seeks to put forth. Marketing Concepts The article depicts a marketing strategy

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Board 7-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 7-2 - Research Paper Example In order to ensure that the managed care does not conflict with the code of ethics, the health care providers should adopt the systems that encourage the long-standing and effective relationships between the primary care providers and the patients. Quality medical care to the patients should be provided while ethically assuming the population based approach that incorporates the strategies of each individual of medication. In some cases, the counselor may disagree with the managed care on what he or she believes is ethical. One should consult the experts and colleagues outside regarding the issue and ask them to keep the conversation confidential (Theodore & Barbara, 1949). If there is time for consultation, one should send a request to the ACA Ethics Committee for more interpretations of ACA Code of ethics (2005). This is because there is a formal process of sending a request for interpretation and takes a couple of months to get the feedback. It is also ethical to schedule an appointment with the supervisor to discuss any arising unethical issue while working with the managed care. This is where one gets the chance to explain where the code of ethics are violated and ask to be directed to what is considered unethical manner. If the patient feels the operation in the patient would be his or her best interests, and then the health maintenance organization gives their determination that, another form of treatment that is less expensive, I find it ethical to follow the organization’s